EASY TO USE: 16 oz bottle treats up to 200 gallons. Concentrated, use just 2oz per 25 gallons, double that amount in temperatures below 0°F. Start using near freezing temperatures. Just pour it into your diesel fuel tank during your next fill up.
AVERTS GELLING: This versatile 7-in-1 diesel anti-gel formulation reduces the formation of wax crystals in diesel fuel in colder temperatures, enabling the fuel to flow through the filter even at temperatures 20°F lower than the cloud point (the point at which wax begins to solidify).
ANTI-GEL FUEL BOOSTER: This product is designed to enhance diesel fuel in terms of lubricity & cetane. Improves lubricity up to 32% and 7 point cetane boost. EDT+ Winter Defense improves cold starts even in subzero temperatures.
DEMULSIFIES WATER: Effectively disperses moisture, plus protect your fuel system from rust & corrosion. It also prevents ice & fuel line freeze-ups, even in extreme temperatures as low as -40°F, providing reliable operation.
POWERED BY SCIENCE: Our products are engineered to resolve issues, make equipment last longer and improve efficiency. Nothing leaves our building with our name on it unless we know it is absolutely the BEST it can be.
FUEL INJECTOR CLEANER: Cleans both internal & external injector deposits, enhances the lubricity of fuel to safeguard the fuel system components, such as the pump & injectors to increase engine longevity while also acting as a fuel system cleaner.